Invisalign Aligners Transform Smiles

You could have straight teeth without braces. Invisalign aligners can keep correct your crooked smile and fix a misaligned bite.

Give yourself a more appealing smile with this orthodontic option. Call 510-990-9650 to learn how you can get these benefits at Marina Landing Family Dentistry.

Undercover Treatment

You can’t really hide the fact that you are wearing braces. However, most people won’t notice when you have on clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth.

Convenient Care

Braces are on your teeth 24 hours a day, every day of your treatment. To keep them there, you are supposed to avoid certain foods that could get stuck in your braces, damage your wires, or pry your brackets off your teeth. With aligners, you simply remove them before meals, and eat what you want. Just remember to clean them and your teeth before you put your aligners back in.

Comfortable Solution

Aligners are make of clear plastic. They don’t have edges that can irritate the soft tissues of your mouth. Aligners also don’t have wires that can break and poke into your gums, lips, or cheeks.

These are just a few reasons we recommend Invisalign aligners for teens and adults at our office.

Call Marina Landing Family Dentistry today at 510-990-9650 for an appointment in Alameda, CA. You can also request an appointment online. Get started on your new smile!